Gerhard Gaußling
2006-06-24 12:04:52 UTC
Hello Fontlinge!
I didn't find a fontlinge-user ML, therefore I'll post it here.
Thank you for the program! I have installed it on a ubuntu amd64 dapper.
I used the new makefile (I guess this might be obligatory on dapper?).
Everything worked like expected, beside some few flaws with the
installation (WebGUI):
It's necessary to give ~/public_html/fontlinge/tmp read-write
***@ubuntu:~ # ls -ld /home/gerhard/public_html/fontlinge/tmp
drwxr-xr-x 2 gerhard gerhard 4096 Jun 8 19:42 tmp
***@ubuntu:~ # chmod -c 777 /home/gerhard/public_html/fontlinge/tmp
mode of `/home/gerhard/public_html/fontlinge/tmp' changed to 0777
BTW " -c" is neat, to control the process:
~ # find /home/gerhard/fontbase/ -type f | xargs -e chmod -c 644
This is my config:
tmp_as_folder /home/gerhard/public_html/fontlinge/tmp/
sortername ggfonts
HOME /home/gerhard/
mysqlserver localhost
fontbase /home/gerhard/fontbase/
username ggfontlinge
ME gerhard
database fontlinge
password xxxxxxx
tarpath /bin/tar
~$ mysqlshow -uroot -pxxxxx fontlinge
Database: fontlinge
| Tables |
| fonts |
| kategorien |
| look |
Now my Question:
I have one mysql database "fontlinge" with a table called "fonts".
These are fonts that are installed with aptitude on the ubuntu system.
Now I want to sort and rename fonts I found on a scribus linkpage "Where
can I get good fonts"
I didn't understand the concept of fontlinge, and if there is a
possibility to get for example the systemfonts in ~/fontbase , and the fonts in ~/fontlinge/ and in a database
table "" ?
And different websites, too? e.g.
Is there some easy way to group fonts virtually, without copying, but
symlinking to new group folders, to activate them by inserting the
groupfolderpath into ~/.fonts.conf ?
~/.fonts.conf example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
#see man fonts.conf
# This is an example of a per-user configuration file that lives
in ~/.fonts.conf
<!-- ~/.fonts.conf for per-user font configuration -->
Private Fonts Directory
<!-- fontlinge example -->
<!-- <dir>~/fontbase</dir> -->
<!-- <dir>~/fontlinge/</dir> -->
use rgb sub-pixel ordering to improve glyph appearance on
LCD screens. Changes affecting rendering, but not matching
should always use target="font".
<match target="font">
<edit name="rgba" mode="assign"><const>rgb</const></edit>
I want to avoid, that all the fonts get into one big "fontbase" folder.
I search for something which reminds at e.g. suitcase, x-fonter,
fontographer, with drag&drop Gui to make font group handling and
activation conveniant on un*x.
The possibility to use the "set_kategory arrow-image" is a fine step
toward something similar to suitcase.
How to add a new category?
Thanks in advance, and thank you for this good program, which uses
checksums like Extensis FontSense , to distinct and recognize the
different fonts ;-).
Kind regards
Gerhard Gaußling
I didn't find a fontlinge-user ML, therefore I'll post it here.
Thank you for the program! I have installed it on a ubuntu amd64 dapper.
I used the new makefile (I guess this might be obligatory on dapper?).
Everything worked like expected, beside some few flaws with the
installation (WebGUI):
It's necessary to give ~/public_html/fontlinge/tmp read-write
***@ubuntu:~ # ls -ld /home/gerhard/public_html/fontlinge/tmp
drwxr-xr-x 2 gerhard gerhard 4096 Jun 8 19:42 tmp
***@ubuntu:~ # chmod -c 777 /home/gerhard/public_html/fontlinge/tmp
mode of `/home/gerhard/public_html/fontlinge/tmp' changed to 0777
| find ~/fontbase/ -type f | xargs chmod 644
This does not work on ubuntu dapper. xarg needs the option "-e" .BTW " -c" is neat, to control the process:
~ # find /home/gerhard/fontbase/ -type f | xargs -e chmod -c 644
This is my config:
tmp_as_folder /home/gerhard/public_html/fontlinge/tmp/
sortername ggfonts
HOME /home/gerhard/
mysqlserver localhost
fontbase /home/gerhard/fontbase/
username ggfontlinge
ME gerhard
database fontlinge
password xxxxxxx
tarpath /bin/tar
~$ mysqlshow -uroot -pxxxxx fontlinge
Database: fontlinge
| Tables |
| fonts |
| kategorien |
| look |
Now my Question:
I have one mysql database "fontlinge" with a table called "fonts".
These are fonts that are installed with aptitude on the ubuntu system.
Now I want to sort and rename fonts I found on a scribus linkpage "Where
can I get good fonts"
I didn't understand the concept of fontlinge, and if there is a
possibility to get for example the systemfonts in ~/fontbase , and the fonts in ~/fontlinge/ and in a database
table "" ?
And different websites, too? e.g.
Is there some easy way to group fonts virtually, without copying, but
symlinking to new group folders, to activate them by inserting the
groupfolderpath into ~/.fonts.conf ?
~/.fonts.conf example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
#see man fonts.conf
# This is an example of a per-user configuration file that lives
in ~/.fonts.conf
<!-- ~/.fonts.conf for per-user font configuration -->
Private Fonts Directory
<!-- fontlinge example -->
<!-- <dir>~/fontbase</dir> -->
<!-- <dir>~/fontlinge/</dir> -->
use rgb sub-pixel ordering to improve glyph appearance on
LCD screens. Changes affecting rendering, but not matching
should always use target="font".
<match target="font">
<edit name="rgba" mode="assign"><const>rgb</const></edit>
I want to avoid, that all the fonts get into one big "fontbase" folder.
I search for something which reminds at e.g. suitcase, x-fonter,
fontographer, with drag&drop Gui to make font group handling and
activation conveniant on un*x.
The possibility to use the "set_kategory arrow-image" is a fine step
toward something similar to suitcase.
How to add a new category?
Thanks in advance, and thank you for this good program, which uses
checksums like Extensis FontSense , to distinct and recognize the
different fonts ;-).
Kind regards
Gerhard Gaußling